Work With Me

Sunday 17 January 2016

The Prompt - Go

I'm not ready for you to go. There should be more time, time when I can tell you all the things I've always meant to but thought I'd get round to later.

This morning we had all the time in the world. Life pottered on at a leisurely pace and I gave little thought to the immediate future. Why would I? We were happy, busy, involved in things. So we drifted through the day, enjoying each other's company and not looking to tomorrow.

We woke up early and enjoyed toast, eggs and tea for breakfast. I tried to do the crossword in the paper while you doodled in the margins. Dishwasher loaded we headed into town for some shopping. As usual I forgot my list so we had to go freestyle and you laughed as I dithered about whether we needed milk.

Lunch was eaten in the garden as the sunshine was so warm. We shared pittas, hummus and salad, although you refused to eat any tomatoes and threw them into the flower bed. I spread a blanket on the grass and we spent an hour dozing and spotting animals in the clouds. 

The afternoon was a blur of music, chatting and tea. We enjoyed each other's company and time seemed to whizz by. Chores and housework were forgotten as we just had fun together.

But now I'm faced with the reality that you are going, soon, all too soon. Tomorrow it will just be me, lost and alone, trying to fill the time until I make the long journey down the hill. I'll walk through the churchyard, gazing at the names on the Victorian headstones, my hands drifting through the grasses. I'll walk past the church where we've spent so much time and wander down the lane. Then I'll join the other mums at the school gate, searching for your face among all the others after their first day at school. 


  1. This is really clever, not at all where I thought it was going! Or perhaps I'm just in a morbid mood :) Wonderful piece of writing Jo, thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt x

    1. Always like to keep my readers guessing Sara! Thank for you for commenting and thanks for hosting #ThePrompt
