Work With Me

Friday 18 December 2015

The Prompt -Believe

I believe that you can do anything you put your mind to,
You are amazing and your talents are limitless.
(But not me.)
I believe that you can achieve your dreams,
For you are amazing and the universe loves you.
(But not me.)
I believe that you can write a stunning novel,
You have a wonderful imagination and a real talent for writing.
(But not me.)
I believe that you deserve all the happiness in the world,
You are a real star and a lovely person too.
(But not me.)
I believe that you will get all the success you deserve,
For you are a mighty talent and the world is your oyster.
(But not me.)
I have bundles of belief, all for family, friends, everyone.
But not for me.
No self belief here, nothing to see, move along please.   


  1. Oh Jo, this makes me sad. You have a real talent for writing, I love the stories you've shared with The Prompt this year and your warmth and kindness shine through in your posts. Self belief is tricky though, it's a very slippery thing and hard to hold on to for most of us. But it's something that only we can change for ourselves x Thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt, and for supporting the linky all year. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year xx

    1. Thank you Sara for you lovely comment. I know I can write in some small way but lack of self belief is very powerful. I hope to work on this next year so watch this space...

  2. I echo Sara's comment - you DO have talent! Put 'develop self belief because I deserve it' on your new years resolutions list. xxx #theprompt

    1. Thanks for commenting Maddy. I promise to put your suggestion at the top of my resolution list!
