Work With Me

Friday 20 November 2015

#WotW - Determination

Well, what a diverse week that was. Along with everyone I was horrified by the events in Paris last Friday and have followed the news in the aftermath. I worry that the world is getting increasingly dangerous. I don't live in a high risk area but it's still something else to worry about and believe me, I don't need an excuse! Along with everyone else I'm determined that it won't stop me doing what I want to and going where I want to, even if I have to fight a feeling of anxiety when I head into a large city from now on.

I also had an unfortunate time on the blog this week when someone tried to leave a nasty comment about one of my posts. It upset me a lot but I have been buoyed up by the lovely and kind comments I have received since I blogged about it. I am determined not to let one spiteful person spoil my blogging experience so I am moving on up (there's a song in there somewhere...) and rising above the petty, nasty comment. So raspberries to them and yay to lovely blogging mates!

I have been thinking for a long time that I'm not getting enough done each day. I partly blame the fact that I have been feeling low lately, mostly due to rubbish menopausal symptoms. However some of it is due to my inherent laziness. I have a real talent for faffing about and wasting time doing nothing, not even the semi-productive daydreaming doing nothing, just the waste of time doing nothing! So I am determined to be more productive from now on. I've got plenty of baking planned using Richard Burr's lovely baking book BIY; I've sorted out some writing prompts to get the writing juices flowing again after the NaNoWriMo drought that I've been stuck in.

As regular readers of this blog will know I often vow to get myself sorted out and fail. But this time I'm, you guessed it, determined to make some positive changes so I can boost my self esteem and feel better about life in general. 

Watch this space!


  1. It sounds like you have had a rough week but you sound very determined about things now....Ignore the hater! They are not worth your time and upset. x

    1. Thank you for commenting, Kim. I agree, I shouldn't waste any more time on idiots!

  2. You do sound very determined, good for you! And I'm sorry to hear you received a nasty comment though it sounds like you have risen above it, definitely the way to go. Hope you get lots more achieved next week then x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Yes, it's not nice when someone leaves a nasty comment. I'm trying to be the bigger woman about it!

  3. Sorry to hear that you've been on the receiving end of a nasty comment but glad that you had lots of supportive ones to help take the sting out of it. Good luck with getting out of the NaNoWriMo writing draft and hope things start looking more positive soon too.

    1. Thanks Louis! I'm hoping that everything picks up now I've decided to accentuate the positive...

  4. Sorry to hear you've had a spiteful comment, I really don't see the need for those at all and often wonder what the person hopes to achieve by it. Glad you've felt supported by other bloggers though, it's a fab community isn't it? -#wotw

    1. I'm with you Stephanie, I don't know why someone would leave a nasty comment. Just leave the blog and don't come back rather than be spiteful. Thanks for your comment!

  5. Aww don't be so hard on yourself. Just enjoy writing and it will come together.

    1. Thank you Helena, I guess I had forgotten the joy of writing and got caught up in the frenzy of trying to write something I didn't really 'feel'.
