Work With Me

Friday 6 November 2015

Word of the Week - Nothing

So this week I've decided that the only word that comes close to summing up this week is a big, fat nothing.

I've had a real meh week. I feel as if I've accomplished nothing at all. This week was the start of NaNoWriMo but I'm so far behind I'm feeling like jacking it in already. I've been feeling tired all week and have struggled to find the energy to do anything much.

So the whole week feels like nothing - nothing accomplished, nothing done, nothing at all. Really a big down and lots of boos for a rubbish week!

So let's pretend it didn't happen and shake off the ennui I'm feeling; let's hit next week running and give it a good shake up.

Or I could put the kettle on, put my feet up and do nothing ...


  1. Oh, how frustrating for you. I hate weeks like that, and it's hard to shake off the feeling, too, isn't it? I think put the kettle on, relax a little and then hit Monday hard! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I agree with you Jocelyn, it was frustrating. I'm determined to have a better week next week!

  2. Ah yes NaNoWriMo I had a go once but it didn't last long. #WotW

    1. It's looking like a fail again this year from me Helena. Nothing is flowing at the moment.

  3. Oh dear....It doesn't sound like a good week at all! I hope next week is better for you x

    1. Thank you Kim, it couldn't be much worse to be honest!

  4. Oh dear, not so good then - yes perhaps it didn't happen after all. There's a new week on it's way hope it's a better one x #wotw

    1. Next week is a fresh start Stephanie. Hoping for a more positive one.

  5. Well, if you're putting the kettle on, I'll have one too!
    It sounds like an irritating week for you, and I think with the change of clocks, the nights drawing in and kids back at school it's been a bit of a meh week all round.
    Enjoy this weekend and here's to next week being (a bit) more productive

    1. Kettle on, Tracey, pull up a chair! Things can only get better, as the song goes...

  6. Hopefully next week is better, I feel pretty similar as so much of what I was doing this week was cancelled sadly x #wotw

    1. It's so frustrating when the week gets away from you, isn't it? Let's hope we both have a better one next week!

  7. Here's hoping this week will be a much better and productive week for you.xx #WotW
