Work With Me

Friday 13 November 2015

#BEDN - World Kindness Day

In general I think kindness is a good thing and there should be more of it. But do we need a day to remind us to be kind to each other and ourselves?

Well, judging by the way some people treat each other that's a really good idea. Day after day there are stories in the media about road rage incidents, old and vulnerable people being abused, children being neglected. It all points to a lack of kindness towards each other.

When did this happen? I remember when I was younger people were generally kind to each other. They said 'Please' and 'Thank You', held doors open for each other, let old people and pregnant ladies have a seat on the bus, helped people when they were in distress. Now I know what you're thinking, 'She's got her rose tinted glasses on again.' Well maybe I have but I'm sure that the nastiness and indifference to other people's feelings and well being is a recent phenomenon.

I always try to be kind to people, to consider their feelings and empathise with their situation. I would never do or say anything that might hurt someone's feelings and I would be mortified if I caused pain by thoughtlessness. Being kind to myself isn't always as easy as I can be hard on myself. I will have to try harder with that!

So over the next few days I hope everyone can be kinder to each other and I can learn to be kinder to myself. Any tips on how to do that gratefully received!  

1 comment:

  1. I'll be sure to pop over and read your post, Soosie! Us old birds need to stick together, sane minds in a mad world.
