Work With Me

Monday 30 November 2015

#BEDN - The Last Day

So it's here, the final day of #BEDN. I missed a couple of days when the prompt didn't spark anything and I didn't come up with an alternative but I think I'll accentuate the positive and call that a win!

It's also St Andrew's Day. I often wonder what the point of patron saints' days is. We don't really celebrate them in England and I'm sure that some people don't know, or care, who their patron saint is or when their particular day is. I know that the Irish make more of St Patrick's Day - any excuse for a party! - and St David's Day gets some mentions in Wales but poor old St George only matters if there's a football match and we need to drape ourselves in his flag! I have no idea how important St Andrew is in Scotland but if any Scots are reading - Happy St Andrew's Day!

So farewell #BEDN! It was fun while it lasted, see you next year.

Oh, and just so you know, it's officially winter tomorrow!

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