Work With Me

Friday 23 October 2015

Word of the Week - Thinking

This week I've been doing lots of thinking. Now I know to most people it looked like I was sitting around doing nothing but I promise you I was thinking deeply!

I've signed up to do NaNoWriMo again this year and I have high hopes of nailing the 50,000 words this time round. I've got an idea that I'm trying to flesh out so most of my thinking has been about what to call my characters, what to call the town they live in, how to commit a murder, how many red herrings I need; all very important things to sort out before November arrives and I have to type those first few words.

Needless to say, some of my planning/thinking turned into daydreaming - I can wander off at the drop of a hat. I've mused on the weather - liking the chill but not the wind; wondered if I'm too old to wear eyeliner - never got the hang of it, think clown eyes; planning to have a major tidy after reading Marie Kondo's book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying - such useful, if radical, ideas; worrying about a cardigan that I'm half way through knitting - I'm not sure I like it anymore but it seems churlish to unravel. Well, you get the picture...

So if you see me staring off into the distance, I'm not daydreaming, honest. I'm plotting a murder and trying to convince myself that Cyril is a rotten name for a cheating husband.  


  1. Good luck with the NaNoWriMo challenge, and thinking is an incredibly valuable pass time-I do it a lot :)

    1. I agree that thinking is valuable - I just feel a bit guilty that it looks as if I'm not actually doing anything! Thanks for your good wishes too - I may need all the luck coming my way!

  2. That is a lot of thinking, with a healthy helping of daydreaming thrown in! Hmm, I'm with you on eyeliner, it is tricky, and I think Cyril would work? Good luck with it and thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I'm till hankering after a good cat's eye flick! Maybe I'm not too old after all...

  3. I think Cyril could quite easily be a dastardly name, it seems like a sneaky name (apologies to any Cyrils). It is good that you are spending a long time thinking, you will be very prepared for when your writing challenge starts :-)

    1. I know what you mean Louisa, Cyril could be a sneaky sort. I'm just not sure I see him as a cheating husband...

  4. Some daydreaming is fine I think - it's good to let your mind wander. I'm not much of one for eyeliner either, well apart from blue eye liner in the 80s. I like the look of the black lined eyes now but would never be able to manage it :) #wotw

    1. I'd love to nail the black lined look and rock Adele's eyes! I don't have the courage or a steady enough hand!

  5. Good luck with the writing challenge!

    1. Thank you Kim, I'm looking forward to it and dreading it in equal measures!

  6. Good luck with your writing challenge. I don't think you are ever too old for eye liner, you just need to get more clever with it.

    1. Cheers Anne! I'm still on the fence with the eye liner thing, too shaky when applying it! I always chicken out and take it off before I leave the house.

  7. Ok tad worried about you plotting a murder. Have fun in November with the challenge.#wotw

    1. Don't worry Helena, I promise to keep it strictly fictional! I'm starting to look forward to NaNoWriMo now, which is odd, I usually dread it. Must be because I have a solid idea this year.
