Work With Me

Friday 30 October 2015

Word of the Week - Halloween

As the week has gone on Halloween has appeared more and more; it literally seems to be everywhere.

At the risk of sounding like a real party pooper - I loathe and detest Halloween.

As far as I'm concerned the British haven't had a tradition of celebrating Halloween/The Day of the Dead for at least 2,000years. I don't want to embrace my pagan roots, even if I had any; I don't want to watch Night of the Living Dead; I don't want to carve pumpkins; I don't want to eat cakes shaped like ghosts or sweets shaped like eyeballs. And I certainly don't want to be bothered by assorted anonymous kids expecting sweets.

Now I know that I sound like a real harridan here but I get quite distressed at the Americanisation of our culture. Halloween has only become part of the British cultural year in the last few years and we seem to have embraced all the American traditions that it entails - pumpkin carving, trick or treating, dressing up in tacky costumes, Halloween parties.

The British had November 5th, Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night. At least that had some cultural reference to being British and a firm footing in the history of our country. It saddens me that the young people don't know what Bonfire Night is about - they don't know the history of the celebration, it's just another excuse for some drinks and fireworks.

So I'm sorry but I hate Halloween. I'm not joining in, so don't knock on the door, it's locked and I've turned out all the lights. And I'm watching Casualty not a horror film!


  1. It has become very Americanised in recent years. When I was little this time of year was all about Bonfire Night, but Halloween allows for so much more commercialisation, doesn't it? The shops have certainly got on board! I do like a good horror, but don't feel the need to wait until the end of October to watch one! The kids like to get a pumpkin, which is fine, but that's about all that we do here. And you'll be reassured to know that I have educated my girl about Bonfire Night :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I'm glad there are still some of us who don't buy into all the 'buy loads of stuff coz it's Halloween'. And I'm pleased that Boo understands what Bonfire Night is all about!

  2. We never celebrated this either growing up and while I like pumpkins I loathe the trick or treating and pull the curtains and ignore anyone that knocks. That could be because we weren't allowed to go out asking "a penny for the guy". Enjoy casualty! :) #wotw

    1. I think you're right Stephanie. We weren't allowed to do the 'penny for the guy' thing either and it's made me feel odd about the kids begging under the guise of trick or treating.
