Work With Me

Friday 16 October 2015

Word of the Week - Anniversary

So today is my wedding anniversary.

 All week I've been thinking about how long I've been married (33 years! eek!) and remembering my wedding day. Well to be honest, remembering bits of it - I was so nervous I've forgotten some parts of it! It was a lovely day - wet and windy but, hey, what do you expect in October? I had a full-on meringue dress ( just what I wanted) a pretty veil and bouquet and heels I could hardly walk in (strappy sling backs in October! what was I thinking?)

I remember standing in Mum and Dad's living room after everyone had left and sharing a whisky with Dad - he knew how nervous I was. I remember arriving at the church before the vicar - guaranteed to settle my nerves, right? I remember asking which name I should sign in the register - why does no-one tell you these things in the rehearsal?

Most of all I remember how happy we both were. Even if we look terrified (and oh so young!) in all the photos! I remember the day I realised that I'd been married for more of my life than I'd been single - that was a bit mind boggling. I can't imagine life without my lovely OH; he's done so much for me, supported me, put up with my silliness, been a wonderful husband and father.

Enough soppiness! We've put up with each other for a while now, we must be getting something right...

So I might sneak a crafty beer tonight and peek at those photos - things were weird in the 80's weren't they? That might explain the can and a half of hairspray in my hair!


  1. Ah, this is lovely, and Happy Anniversary! You certainly must be getting something right, enjoy that beer :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Thanks you, Jocelyn. We think we might have got the hang of being married now...

  2. Oh how lovely to look back on those memories. Happy anniversary to you both :-)

    1. Thank you Louise. I'm a sucker for memories and had a great time remembering a lovely day.

  3. Aww! Happy anniversary! It sounds lovely to look back on those memories x

    1. Thanks Kim. A wallow in nostalgia does us all good sometimes, don't you think?

  4. Congratulations to you both. Your dress and shoes reminded me of what I wore at my wedding a couple of years ago. #WotW

    1. Thank you Helena. We all have similar wedding gear really, the little girl fantasy is very powerful.
