Work With Me

Friday 9 October 2015

The Prompt - Sacrifice

The sun peeped through the doorway on another cold, frosty winter's day. I kept my eyes tightly closed, trying to delay the moment I had to admit to being awake. So many things were planned for today and most of them were things I wanted to avoid.

Last night had been chaotic. There had been more food than I had ever seen - meat, fish, bread, fruit, wine - a feast for the eyes as well as the belly. There was music and singing - songs old and familiar, songs new and melodic. My family and friends had hugged me, told me they were proud of me, told me that they loved me. There was laughter and tears, much of it mine. The festivities had gone on into the early morning and I felt as if I'd hardly slept at all.

This morning was quiet, calm after last night's excitement. The contrast was deliberate. After celebrating life and love we moved to the solemn ceremony. There would be no laughter today, although there might well be tears. I hoped I could take part without crying but I doubted that would be possible. Last time we had performed the ceremony Evie had cried all the way through, shaming her family. I wanted to make my family proud and do my part with dignity but it was so hard, so difficult to know how I would act when it came to it.

It was an honour to be chosen, an honour for my family as well as myself. Many families had lived in our village for generations without being chosen. My family had lived here for many years without being honoured. But now it was our turn. My turn. The eyes of the village would be upon us, upon me, for the whole day. I carried the fate of my whole community on my shoulders and I must be brave and true.

A shadow fell across the doorway and I looked up. The silhouette of my father filled the space and I knew the time had come. He knelt beside me, his huge hand resting gently on my shoulder. I fought down the desire to cling to him and weep. I must be strong, that was the most important thing, not to appear weak.

'Come now,' my father said, 'It is time. We must prepare you for the sacrifice.'

From behind his back he produced a leather thong and I placed my hands together behind my back for my father to bind them together. Our eyes met for a brief moment, tears blinding my sight and I bowed my head. It was Winter Solstice, time for me to be sacrificed, time to honour our gods.     


  1. OOOER deep but beautifully written. #ThePrompt X

    1. Thank you Tracy, glad you liked it. I try to take a sideways look at the prompt word rather than take it at face value; gets my creative juices flowing too! #ThePrompt

  2. Goodness, I had an inkling, but the end still made me gulp. Beautifully written, so much tension and emotion. Thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt x

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sara. I'm glad the emotion and tension came across. I think I've been thinking too much about Stonehenge and other Stone Age sites recently and it came across in the piece. Hope to be more cheery next week!

  3. Well I wasn't expecting that, I think I got caught up in the emotion of it all. Packed full of tension & drama. It had me all the way, and it's left me feeling slightly chilled. Really well written.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Tracey. I'm so glad you enjoyed it and where taken aback by the ending. Always good when a piece of writing does what I wanted it to!
