Work With Me

Thursday 20 August 2015

Thought for Thursday - Music

Recently heard a debate on the TV about surgeons listening to music while operating, the pros and cons and whether the music had a beneficial effect on both the surgeon and the patient. I'm lucky enough never to have gone under the knife so have no personal experience to draw on but it got me thinking about the importance of music in my life.

Now I'm not one of those people who has the radio playing all the time, although I did in my younger years, so music is something that I make a conscious decision to listen to. I have eclectic taste in music so I have to fit the music to my mood.

The music I listen to most is probably Sigur Ros. I first encountered this Icelandic band when they acted as a support act fro Radiohead. I wasn't sure about them at first but decided that I'd invest a little time getting to know their work and I'm really glad that I did. I find their music very relaxing, it soothes me if I'm feeling a bit anxious and so I always listen to it when flying as I'm a slightly nervous flier. When I listen to Sigur Ros it seems to speak to my soul; it's exactly how I imagine music in paradise to be. In fact I've decided that I want their music played at my funeral (yes, I've thought about that!)

If pushed to name my favourite band I'd pick Radiohead. I am constantly surprised by the originality of their work and how each new album differs from the last. They never rely on a formula and this is why their music always sounds fresh. Lots of people find their music depressing and bleak - I can understand why they think that but I always find something to cheer me in their work - maybe having a dark sense of humour helps! My two favourite tracks are Fake Plastic Trees and Idiotique - both great for a sing-a-long!

I've tried to get into classical music but so far without much success. I always worry that I'm not 'getting' it, that there's a deep hidden meaning that is too deep for me. If someone could suggest an easy way to get into classical music I'd be interested to hear it but so far I've only enjoyed The Planet Suite and some Debussy - not very good when you think of the wealth of classical music out there!

I have other bands and pieces of music that I like. As a teenager I was heavily into David Bowie, Two Tone, The Stranglers, Pink Floyd, Glam Rock - I could go on and on. Sometimes I enjoy a nostalgia fest and listen to all the songs that I loved as a teenager. The memories come flooding back and I'm 15 again wearing cheesecloth and flares!   

So there you are, some thoughts about music. So which music would I like played if I go under the knife? I suppose I'd want the surgeon to feel calm and in control so I choose Hoppipolla by Sigur Ros. Then if I woke up mid surgery I'd feel calm too!

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