Work With Me

Friday 15 May 2015

Word of The Week

This week's word jumped out at me without needing to engage too many brain cells - always a plus on a Friday at my age! So today I give you ...

I've joined in with Rosalilium to Blog Every Day in May so I've been checking in with the blog everyday and trying to come up with a post fro each day. Luckily Elizabeth at Rosalilium has provided a calendar full of prompts to help and I've only gone 'off message' a few times.

But this has given me time to ponder what I want to do with my blog and which direction I'd like to take it next. I've read lots of advice about how to improve and grow a blog but I'm still a bit unsure/confused what to do now.

I'd like to get more traffic to my blog, I'd like more comments on posts, I'd like to get more involved in the whole blogging experience, I'd like to improve the look and style of my blog. Even writing all that down overwhelms me. So you can see what the problem is - there's too much to contemplate and it's scary!

So I've got a lot of thinking to do. I don't even know how to do some of these things - how do I get a 'house style' for my blog? how do I decide what to blog about so I can build up a 'fan base'? Answers on a postcard please!

I'm sure a lot of it is down to organisation and hard work. That's what I need to address first. A plan is needed, plus a schedule, and some lists - this sounds like it needs some new stationery... maybe some pens... how about sticky notes?

Now look what I've started! 


  1. Often breaking big goals into smaller tasks helps too - and makes it seem less daunting, and it definately sounds like you need to make a list and therefore new stationery! Have fun planning! #wotw

    1. Thanks for commenting Stephanie. I agree, this needs new stationery to do efficient planning. Thanks for giving me permission to browse Paperchase!

  2. I support the need for new stationery! Sounds like you've got loads of thinking to do. I can be daunting, so take it step by step, and I would say it pretty much comes down to hard work and planning, yes! I've a whole host of blog tips on my blog if you want them, I have a Blogging Tips category so you'll find it all there. You don't need all the answers at once, and I certainly don't have a niche, its just me, rambling away! Good luck! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I'm reading your blogging tips and hoping to make the leap into more serious blogger very soon. Help, scary!

  3. Hi Johanne, just saw this post on the #wotw link-up. I too am new to blogging and really can feel a bit daunting at times! My blog planning so far mainly consists of scribbling ideas down in a notebook when I think of them. My subjects can be a bit random at times and I'm sure I can work on this more. Good luck with your blog! :-)

    1. It's always a bit daunting starting a new venture. Thanks for commenting Lizzie, I look forward to reading some of your posts soon.

  4. My goal is this as well! I am joining a lot of linkys & would get decent comments but not a lot of page views. I am still working on it and learning and learning. Jocelyn has lots of nice articles and they really do help =) #wotw

    1. Thanks for commenting pixie. I've started reading Jocelyn's articles and hope to make some of her suggestions reality soon, watch this space!

  5. Johanne, you might start by reading the A to Z posts by the founder of the Blogging from A to Z in April Challenge. Lots of ideas there. Also it is important to interact with other bloggers, who share your interests. Sue

    1. Thanks for the comment Sue, I'll check out the link. I also agree on the importance of interaction, something I'm trying to do more of.
