Work With Me

Friday 1 May 2015

Word of the Week

Oh Friday, why do you always come around so fast? I'm never ready for #WOTW!

Anyway, today my word is ...

I need some new summer shoes.

I've been looking around but can't make my mind up which ones to go for. At this rate I'll spend this summer wearing trainers and flip flops again!

I am completely aware that this makes me sound really frivolous but that's the kind of week it's been - no focus, frivolous and with a head full of nonsense, any of which could have been my #WOTW.

But I picked shoes as it's been a real obsession of mine recently. Hopefully by next week I will have found some shoes I like and can empty my head of this load of old cobblers!


  1. Hi Johanne, nice to find your blog! I hope you find some suitable summer shoes - I am having the same dilemma with coats. I hadn't heard of #BEDM - but now you have got me thinking I might take part. Katie

    1. Hello Katie and welcome aboard! I'm happy to have your company and I hope you enjoy what you read here.

  2. Ah well you see I will live this summer in flips flops and trainers! I have a lot of flips flops and love it when the warm weather comes round so I can wear them all the time :) I do hope you find some shoes so that you can empty your head of the problem! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. But sometimes I want something a bit posher than flip flops! I will be wearing them a lot too.

  3. Oh gosh i know what you mean finding a pair of shoes you like can sometimes be torture! Do you have a certain style in mind? Xx

    1. I'm not sure what style I want, part of me is drawn to a nice pair of pastel brogues in Clarks and another part wants some T-bar sandals like I had as a child. Decisions, decisions ...

  4. ...old cobblers..boom, boom!!
    I've had my shoes for absolutely ages and have a great cobbler who keeps mending them for me. Maybe I should consider buying a new pair shoes...

    1. Thank you for commenting (and noticing my terrible pun!)
      Shoes are the bane of my life - I love them but have such difficulty finding some which are comfy and practical whilst being affordable.

  5. OOhh shoes! I love shopping for shoes! Hope you can find yours soon =) #wotw

    1. I'm making it my mission to get some next week. Watch this space!
