Work With Me

Friday 22 May 2015

The Prompt - Confidence

Controlling the annoying voice that tells me I can't do it.
Overcoming the fear of making a fool of myself.
Never putting myself forward, just in case.
Finding a million excuses why I can't do it.
Images of disaster flooding through my mind.
Ducking out of sight when volunteers are called for.
Embarrassing blushing when looked at or the centre of attention.
Nominating anyone else to do it except me.
Crowded places bother me in a way they never used to.
Exhale, inhale then strike out.
Lack of confidence can severely limit life chances.
I suffer but I'm fighting back.   


  1. I can relate to a lot of this X

    1. Thanks for commenting Tracy. It's rubbish isn't it, feeling inadequate al the time?

  2. I felt like that growing up, but I forced myself to overcome it. I'm still not massively confident, but it doesn't hold me back like it used to. I see this in my children though.

    1. I have days when it's good and days when I think I can't cope at all. The secret is learning to deal with it. Thanks for commenting Nicola!

  3. I can recognise some of this although, for me, one of the advantages of getting older is an increase in confidence. I was such a shy child and incredibly socially awkward as a teen. Twenties were a bit better but I'm definitely more confident at 37 than I ever have been before. Carry on fighting back! #The prompt xx

    1. I had a similar experience in that I grew in confidence when I grew up but then I met a workplace bully who put me back and stole some of my confidence. It's a shaky thing these days but mostly I'm ok.

  4. I think the problem is that confidence is so fragile, it doesn't take a lot to knock it out of you, and it can be so hard to get it back. I can relate to this, and although I am more confident in myself now that I am older, I still have to work at it, and it doesn't take a lot to set me back. But I think you're right, we do have to fight back x Thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt x

    1. I agree Sara. I always thought I was a confident woman but it only took one person 3 months to undermine my confidence and make me doubt all my abilities; it also takes longer to rebuild confidence than to destroy it. Thanks for a great prompt and for your comment.
