Work With Me

Monday 16 March 2015

College Reunion

Last weekend I headed off to Weymouth for a reunion of my old college. For some of the attendees it was 40 years since they left college and for me it's nearly 40 years since I started at the college so I thought I'd pop along and catch up with old mates.

I'd forgotten what a faff the 4 hour train journey is. It all went smoothly, even though I nearly got on the wrong train at Reading. Having booked in advance I had all my tickets and an itinerary to follow so my usual anxiety levels were fairly low. I loved looking out of the window on the journey, so many lovely things to see. I can't remember the last time I saw so many deer, I think it must have been when I last went to the deer park at Magdalen College.  Some were obviously farmed deer for venison but there were some sizable wild herds running from the sound of the train. There were also rabbits, swans, ducks, pheasants, herons, lots of wading birds at Poole Harbour which might have been avocets or maybe oyster catchers - I'm not much good at recognising birds! It was most pleasant to gaze out of the window and enjoy all the wonderful wildlife. I was also thrilled by the New Forest area - impressive wooded areas and sweeping barren heath land. I hope to make a trip some time and see more of this lovely landscape.

There was some hoohah over the booking at the hotel over dates - they had a different date from mine! Luckily there was a room available so I didn't have to sleep under the pier!  The room was comfortable with all the facilities I needed - TV, tea and coffee and some scrummy biscuits!

Sadly few of my mates from college were at the reunion but a good time was had by all. Everybody was friendly and I made some new friends for the evening. Good company, wine and plenty of dancing made for a lovely weekend. Sadly my phone camera failed to work in the darkened disco room so no photos were taken so you'll have to imagine me bopping away to T-Rex!

I had some time to  kill before my train home so I wandered along the sea front and took a few pictures. 


View along the sea front towards town.

   View of what's left of the pier - no idea who the old couple are, they followed me all the way down the Esplanade!

The inviting beach and sea - I avoided the temptation to paddle!

The best ice cream parlour in Weymouth - shame it was shut for the off-season.

My healthy Costa breakfast - look, carrot cake with sultanas in must count as one of my 5 a day!

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