Work With Me

Friday 2 January 2015

Word of the Week

It's that time of the year again, New Year Resolutions and all that. So it's no surprise that my #WOTW is ...

Resolutions never last long with me so this year I've decided to pass on them.  Instead I've made myself some promises.

I've promised myself that I'll try to have a healthier 2015. I've decided that in January I'll increase the number of spin classes I do which should help a little.  Small steps are more achievable than giant leaps.

I've promised myself that I'll read a book by a new author each month.  I feel the need to shake my reading up a little and I look forward to discovering new favourites along the way.  So any suggestions would be wonderful.

I've promised to enjoy more positive things this month.  I've joined up with Katie over at - there are so many god things in life yet I have a tendency to dwell on the bad so this will be good for me.

So there we are, colours nailed to the mast; let's see how it goes.


  1. Good luck with your promises!
    All the best for 2015 x

  2. That's a powerful word, and it all sounds very positive. Time for you and looking after yourself can only be a good thing! Thanks for sharing with #WotW and best of luck x

  3. Happy new year - promise is a great word to start the new year off with, it sounds so much kinder than resolutions (which I'm no good at either and have given up on) good luck this year #wotw

  4. good luck, they are very positive promises to make :)

  5. Yay good luck! And I like the idea of reading a new book each month.

  6. Goodluck with this! I am promising myself too that I will be better health wise =)

    Happy New Year! #wotw

  7. Good luck with your promises, it definitely sounds like a better way to commit than resolutions.

  8. Good luck with your promises! I think this is a much better thing that resolutions! I may have to try this next year!

    Laura x x x
