Work With Me

Friday 30 January 2015

Navel Gazing Word of the Week

This I've been thinking about my blog a lot.  I feel that I've been neglecting it lately and I was concerned that the sparkle had gone out of the whole blogging experience.

After much navel gazing I'm thinking that the problem is that there is no 'theme' to the blog. It has no focus and no direction so it's hard for me to know what to put on it and when.

Originally I thought it would just be a space for me to write about whatever I wanted to. In reality it means there is no inspiration to get me tapping away at the keyboard. I've also no regular scheduled time to post - I don't have a weekly or monthly 'thing' to blog about. Word of the Week is great at getting me to put something up but I feel it needs more and varied content; after all, who wants to read a blog that consists of a list of words!

So I need to find a theme, something that I can use as a focus for my poor old blog - I'm starting to empathise with it as a neglected, ageing person (rather like me!).

Any suggestions? How did you find you blogging theme and mojo?


  1. I can totally relate to this! Sometimes it's so hard to be inspired enough with everyday life to blog! If you use Pinterest, what images do you look at most often? Could that be your theme? #wotw

    1. I'm certainly looking at incorporating my own interests rather than trying to be like someone else.

  2. This sounds like a really good idea. I'd suggest thinking about your interests first and thinking about how you can blog about those? I blog pretty much anything I want to, but I have certain things that I post about regularly on a schedule, along with other interests/linkies/thoughts that pop in amongst them. Blog linkies can inspire, too. Have fun! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I think having a schedule is the way to go - now to decide what should be on it ...

  3. Sounds a great idea - what about your current/latest knitting project? And perhaps some gin sampling! Hic! #wotw

    1. You talking my language! Gin reviews coming up ...

  4. I blog about a bit of everything but it is mainly about my kids....
    Have a look about for some linkies....Some even give you a prompt as to what to write about :)

    1. Thanks for your comment, I'm thinking that prompts might help.

  5. This is why I love linkys cuz they are my prompt on what to write. This linky asks me about how my week was and the others have different topics that I can write about too. Others are photo linky so I can photos that I had taken. So thats my tip check some other linkys which can inspire you to write about something specific =)


    1. Will have to investigate the other linkys out there for inspiration.
