Work With Me

Friday 14 November 2014

Word of the Week

Well blow me down with a feather!  This week I had no problem deciding on my word! Let the bells ring out, maybe I've got the hang of this #WotW after all this time ...

So this week's word is ...

I've recently discovered podcasting.  I was aware of podcasts before and had a vague idea of what they were but hadn't downloaded or listened to one.  Then I heard about Serial which sounded right up my street - a real life murder story with an element of mystery.  One Sunday when OH was watching a Grand Prix I found the podcast and listened in.  It was really interesting and I immediately downloaded the second episode.  I'm late to the party but I'm catching up. 

It has recently been suggested that I might write and record a podcast and I have to admit that I'm intrigued by the idea.  I'm a tech idiot so I'll need to find the easiest way to do it but I've been having ideas and feeling positive, creative about the idea. 

Now do I grasp the podcasting nettle?  Or do I back away from it paralysed by the fear of failure?

Maybe next week's WotW will let you know!  Ooo, cliffhanger ...


  1. Go for it! I've no idea how it works but am sure it'd be a fun experience even if you didn't share it. :)

  2. I'm still plucking up courage but think I may have a go!

  3. Grasp it!!! Go for it, don't regret not having a bash at it. Lovely to hear you got this week's word so easily, too ;-) Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  4. Good luck with your podcast! I'm such a techie idiot too, but I'm also stubborn and will keep persevering till I get it ;) #wotw.

    1. Thank you! I think now I've put it out there I'll have to do it - scary!!

  5. There is this podcast that I love to listen too. This made me know podcast. Its a crime story and its true to life! Check it out too. Its called serial =)

    Goodluck on your podcast journey too! #wotw

  6. Go for it....I am not too sure what a podcast is but it sounds like fun x
