Work With Me

Friday 28 November 2014

The Prompt


What am I thankful for?

Those who love me - you know who you are.
Kitty snuggles - few and far between.
Home - many aren't so lucky.
Health - despite a nagging cold.
Strength - some days I'm feeling stronger.
Cheese - NOM,NOM, NOM!
Strictly on a Saturday night and sharing it on Twitter!
It's nearly Christmas  so looking forward to time with family and treats (chocolate and scent please!)
My lovely Postcircle friends - I love getting Happy Post and sharing a little of your lives.
Books - thankful that I was taught how to read and enjoy reading, I can't imagine life without being able to escape into other lives and worlds.

I'm sure there are many other things I should be thankful for but that's today's snapshot.


  1. It's always nice to list the things we're thankful for isn't it? I love reading too, escaping into other worlds is such a release sometimes. :) #ThePrompt

  2. Sounds like you have a lot to be thankful for, lovely post :-) #ThePrompt

  3. I'm so sorry Johanne, I was sure I'd already commented on this!
    Such a lovely list of things to be thankful for, from the little things through to the big stuff, wonderful x Thank you so much for linking to #ThePrompt x
