Work With Me

Friday 26 September 2014

Word of the Week

Again it's Friday and Jocelyn's WOTW rolls round.

This week I wasn't sure I was going to take part.  I couldn't think of a word that summed up the week as it's been a weird, bitty week with lots of introspection.  However today something happened that made me think so I'm using that as my stimulus.

I've never really had many friends.  Lots of acquaintances when I was younger but very few friends.  Most of my friends were people in the workplace so once I moved job I lost those friends and made more at my new job. 

Lately I've not been going out to work so have lost most of my friends.  However there was one person from a previous job who I kept in touch with and we socialised a few times a year.

I've recently applied to become a museum volunteer and had to submit some references, to make sure I wasn't going to steal the exhibits.  I submitted my friend as a reference as  she knew me over several years.

Today I got an email saying that she couldn't/wouldn't give a reference as it had been 'too long ago' that she'd know me.  This despite going to the theatre with her and going out for coffee in August!

So maybe I've got less friends than I thought .  Or maybe what I think of as  a friend isn't what others think of as a friend.

It's sad to think I've lost a friend.  And also sad that I've lost the chance to volunteer as I have no-one else to suggest as a character reference.


  1. Oh no, that is really sad. What a shame, upsetting and frustrating for you. I would say meeting up several times a year would constitute a friendship! I do hope you can find another reference so that you can volunteer x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Fingers crossed - they're looking at other options for me.

  2. Oh no....That is such a shame....I hope you can find someone else to write a reference!

    1. I'm waiting to hear if they will accept another reference so things may not be as bad as they first seemed.

  3. I'm so glad to read from the comments that the museum is looking at other options. Good luck! #WotW

  4. Oh no how horrible! I, too, have few friends but a lot of acquaintances. I have often wondered as well if my "idea" of a friend is completely different than the rest of the world. I wish you the best and sure hope you can find someone else to give you that reference!

  5. That is a shame, have you spoken to your 'friend' about it? I hope you still manage to become a volunteer.

  6. Ah such a shame. Its horrid when a plan doesn't work as you'd hoped. I hope the company can come up with another solution ASAP & you can get volunteering. It'll be very for-filling i'm sure once you get stuck into it. #WotW
