Work With Me

Friday 18 July 2014

Word of the Week

It rolls round with monotonous regularity and I'm never ready!

This week I have been mostly

For some reason I've found it hard to concentrate on anything practical this week (blooming humid weather not helping; I'm melting!).  It started on a low note when I didn't get a job I'd applied for.  This set me to thinking about why, what was wrong with me - see previous post where I rant (in a civilised way!) about that - so I spent the majority of the week thinking about where my life would go from now and what I could do to get things back on track.

I've not come to any conclusions yet so there may be more thinking next week too! 


  1. Having just read your previous post, I can understand what a blow this must have been and why you're stuck in thinking mode - no bad place to be, of course. All that I can offer, if it;s any remote help!, is that I used to recruit, a lot. And I can honestly say that your age wouldn't have troubled me, and maturity and experience is a huge asset. I feel the right path must be lurking out there for you, and I wish you luck finding it - you'll think it through and figure it out, I'm sure :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  2. Thanks Jocelyn! I'm trying to stay positive and I do hope I figure it out soon - will crack on and get some serious writing done in the next few weeks so I feel that I'm doing something. Who knows, something may come of that too!

  3. I need to do something like this. I have been so busy in the last weeks that I really don't have time to stop and think about things.I need to think and plan and do the plan. I hope that you will have a better opportunity soon! #wotw
