Work With Me

Friday 11 July 2014

Word of the Week

Every Friday I balk at Word of the Week.  Having to think back over my week and decide on one word to encapsulate the last seven days is often daunting.  This week has been no different.  How do I choose a single word that sums up the week so far?

This week's word is ... drum roll please ...

Yet again I'm wasting time dithering about.  My mind has been like a really flighty butterfly, whizzing about all over the place.  I've been unable to settle at anything - knitting, sewing, reading, writing.  The outcome of this is that I've accomplished very little this week.  All my hopes of being organised and planning out what I wanted to do each week/day have fallen by the wayside.  Now in the past this would have sent me spiralling out of control, beating myself up about my failure and inability to 'get sorted'.  However this Friday I've decided that I'm going to be kind to myself and forgive the dithering.  Next week I will try to  do better, to finally finish sewing up that sweater, to write something everyday, to make the most of my time and end the week feeling fulfilled and pleased with myself.

Wish me luck!


  1. Good Luck! This is my first week back after a holiday so despite having lots to do I now find myself reading blogs for most of the day rather than being more productive...maybe next week!!

    1. It's so easy to faff around though, isn't it? I'm a Grand Master at it, I can tell you!

  2. It is a bit overwhelming when you have so many ideas in your head and you cant really finish any of it. But you are right give yourself a break and try again next week. #wotw

    1. I am so determined to do better next week ... hope I'm not putting too much pressure on myself though ... something else to worry about rather than getting on with it!

  3. Good luck! I have weeks like that too....Hope next week is better x

  4. Thanks Kim! Here's hoping it all comes together!

  5. Good luck, hope that next week is more productive x I am an expert at faffing! #WotW

  6. ahhh I do love the word dithering! My hubby says Im a massive ditherer lol #WotW

    1. My hubby would say the same about me I'm sure! Love a good dither though! #WotW

  7. Oh, an odd week here and there of dithering can do no harm! I hope this week is progressing better for you x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  8. Trouble is I spend far too much time dithering! Really need to sort myself out now ... grown up time!
