Work With Me

Tuesday 8 July 2014

This is not Word of the Week

I know it's too early for Word of the Week but there is a word looming large this week and that word is ...


I have a job interview on Thursday.  So I'm already starting to obsess and panic.

I don't do well with interviews.  I start to get worked up about a week before the actual interview date - I start to worry about what I'll be asked at the interview; I worry about how I'll get there, will I be too early or, heaven forfend, too late; what shall I wear and will I look presentable.  You get the picture.

I'm also concerned that I won't come over well in the interview because I've got in such a state.  At my last interview I could hardly speak when it was time to do my presentation as I was hyperventilating so much!  Thankfully I managed to get through it in one piece.

I'm trying to stay calm this time round but have already started to obsess about what I'm going to wear and which bus to catch.

Hopefully when the real Word of the Week comes around I'll have good news to share ...

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