Work With Me

Friday 30 May 2014

Word of the Week

Friday rolls around again and it's time for Word of the Week.

Some weeks I struggle to decide what word best sums up my week.  As I don't go out to work there are days when I see no-one apart from my lovely family and my only chat is on Twitter!  That makes it tough to decide how to sum up the week.

This week, however, I had no trouble.  My word is ...


I'm finally getting my head around where I want my life to go in the next few years. 
I'm finally starting to organise myself - in my head at the moment.
I'm finally doing things that make me happy and content and not worrying about what everyone else is thinking!  Can it be that after fifty something years I've finally learnt not to worry about people judging me?

So I'm planning to crack on with my writing - I've a few ideas milling around and on my other blog - if you're interested - I'm trying out a few ideas.  Hopefully there will be a book in the offing later in the year.
I'm also doing some craft work - not Kraftwerk!- which I hope to sell via a Folksy shop.  This is making me unreasonably happy as I'm really enjoying sitting quietly and making something.  Just wish I had some artistic talent, then I could  do more.


  1. Wonderful word! So pleased that you're starting to get some plans together and that they're making you so happy. Excited to see where they take you :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Thanks for that Jocelyn, I'm really excited about what's going on at the moment and for the first time in a long time I see light at the end of a tunnel (hopefully not an oncoming train!)

  3. What a fab word!! Such a positive post :) x

  4. Thank you so much Kim! I'm certainly feeling positive at the moment, hope it lasts!

  5. Such a great positive word. It's great that you're moving forward with your decisions and putting your happiness first x

    1. Thank you Andie. I can't believe I feel so positive, it's most unlike me!

  6. What a word. The song just suddenly played in my head when I started reading your post =)

    Good luck with the writing! #wotw

    1. Yes pixiedust, it's been playing in my head all week! The writing is going well and some of it is starting to make it out into the world, so fingers crossed!
