Work With Me

Monday 5 May 2014

Bank Holiday Monday

#BEDM Day 5, topic Cinco DE Mai & I'm going off piste!
As Cinco De Mai (however you spell it!) doesn't mean a whole heap to me I decided to blog about what I got up to today ion Bank Holiday Monday.

A conventional start to the day - get up, drink tea - followed by making a picnic lunch for our afternoon trip out into the great outdoors.  We then headed to the gym where lovely hubby did a Body Combat class & I cycled, cross trained & threw a few weights about.

We then headed off into the countryside for a walk & picnic lunch at Wayland's Smithy.  It was a lovely day for a walk along the Ridgeway, starting off warm but cloudy & ending with warm sunshine.  We walked along the Ridgeway until we got to Wayland's Smithy, a favourite spot of ours.  Heading for 'our tree' we spread our Poundland blankets on the ground & enjoyed a lovely picnic - as I made it , I would say that!

You can just see the tops of the stones here - David Bailey I'm not!

We headed back along the Ridgeway & the sun came out.  It's always a sobering thought that for thousands of years people have been walking this route - makes me think deep thoughts & wonder about my place in the universe.

 This is a view across to the Iron Age hill fort at Uffington where the White Horse is carved into the hillside. Today there was a National Trust initiative to re-chalk the White Horse going ion so things were very busy on the hill.

And finally a view across from the entrance to the car park; it's difficult to see in this picture but you can see for miles across Oxfordshire & Wiltshire.

On the journey home we were driving along the A420 when I saw a stunning house in some trees.  It was just the sort of house that makes me think 'I wish I lived there'. It had wooden beams, plaster covered walls & was symmetrical with a pointy roof - I'm really selling it, aren't I?  As we drove past I looked through the hedge-line & what did i see?  Lots of lovely elderly men playing croquet, all dressed in white with floppy sunhats on!  They looked as if they were having such a great time.  A real slice of rural middle England.  What a smashing end to a lovely day.

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