Work With Me

Thursday 7 November 2013

10 Things

Day 7 of BEDN, topic 10 Things and they can be any things apparently.  It's too early for resolutions so I thought I'd share 10 Good Things that have happened to me this week.

1. I woke up warm and cosy with a family I love who love me right back, a roof over my head and food in the fridge - this makes me very lucky, grateful and happy  as there are those in the world who don't have these things.

2. My cat loved me just enough to cuddle up in bed before leaving to snuggle with Daddy!

3. I walked into town, it wasn't raining and a lovely little boy said 'Hi' and waved as he ran past me.

4. Heinz soup for lunch!

5. I got complimented on my felt fox brooch which I'd made from a Mollie Makes kit.

6. Masterchef  is back!  I love Michel Roux Jnr, such a lovely man (and he speaks French too!)

7. My lovely sister sent me books and home made chutney - Mum's old recipe, I love it.

8. Some good gym sessions - not sure how much difference it's making but I'm living in hope.

9. Someone told me they liked my hair - I had it all cut off several months ago and I hadn't seen them since - it reminded me that the change of style was a good move.

10.  I found some lovely wool to knit a baby cardigan, a Twitter friend is expecting next year and I want to knit for the new baby. 

So there's my 10 Things - hope you like them! 

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